int open(const char* file="", int flags=O_RDWR, int mode=0644)

Method Description

This function basically acts as its standard equivalent.

file is the file name to open, relative to the current share or with the full URL specified.

flags is a logical 'or' combination of flags. Valid flags are :
    O_RDONLY : Opens the file read-only.
    O_WRONLY : Opens the file write-only.
    O_RDWR : Opens for reading and writing.
    O_CREAT : If the file doesn't exist, it will be created.
    O_TRUNC : If the file already exists, it is truncated.
    O_EXCL : Useful together with O_CREAT only. If the file did already exist, an error is returned.
    O_APPEND : The file position pointer is placed atr the end of the file.
Other flags are ignored.

mode should specify the permissions of the file if a new file is created. The flag isn't used at present, and anyway since Unix permissions must be mapped to DOS attributes, this parameter isn't very relevant.

This method returns a file descriptor, which can be used only for this library functions. Do not use standard functions with these descriptors.
On error, -1 is returned and error() will return the corresponding error code.

See also :

Create a file. URLs are accepted. Works as its standard equivalent.
int creat(const char* file="", int mode=0644)

Close the file associated with this file descriptor
int close(int fd)

Copyright © Nicolas Brodu, 1999 - 2000